MONTGOMERY, ALA. – Levi's Grace, Incorporated, a Montgomery-based 501(c)(3) entity, announced last week that it was offering bill payment assistance to Montgomery County, Alabama families that are expecting a child or have at least one child aged 12 months of younger residing in the home.
The BOOST (Bringing Optimism, Opportunity & Support To) Montgomery Families program will pay up to $200 on any past due bill for a mother and/or father, or legal guardian meeting the eligibility requirements as set out in the application. All financial assistance will be paid directly to the entity entitled to payment.
"Levi's Grace was formed to support mothers and families recovering from the heartbreak of miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant loss," said Terri Reynolds, co-founder of the organization. "When COVID hit, we expanded our mission to provide assistance to expectant mothers and families with infants in the home. The pandemic hit many families so hard, and no parent should have to endure the anxiety of not being able to provide for their children's basic needs."
Financial support through BOOST Montgomery Families will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis until the money allocated for the program is exhausted. Reynolds credits the program's launch to support Levi's Grace, Incorporated received from two local partners – Montgomery County Commissioner Rhonda Walker and the Gift of Life Foundation.
More information about the program, including the application, is available at www.levisgrace.org/boost-program.